How Fermentation Increases Melatonin

Eating fermented pickles straight from the jar at night helps some people get to sleep. This isn’t just anecdotal; there’s solid science behind this home remedy!

Why do fermented foods aid in better sleep? By consuming fermented vegetables, you’re not only boosting your gut microbiome but also leveraging the gut-brain connection. However, the sleep-promoting effects of fermented foods have a more immediate and straightforward explanation: melatonin synthesis in fermented foods.

The beneficial Lactobacillus bacteria involved in fermentation have an incredible ability to convert tryptophan in foods into serotonin and then convert this serotonin into melatonin using an enzyme called tryptophan 5-hydroxylase. Yes, microbes and their enzymes are indeed remarkable!

Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant with multiple health benefits. It protects against oxidative stress and can help prevent cancer by inhibiting cancer cell growth. It also helps regulate all circadian processes, such as mood, sleep, sexual behavior, and immune function. Melatonin is naturally produced by the pineal gland in our bodies, influenced by light exposure. Interestingly, there’s significantly more melatonin production in the human gut due to bacterial enzymatic synthesis. Its antioxidant properties help slow aging and protect against cardiovascular disease. Researchers also hypothesize that melatonin can aid in Alzheimer’s prevention.

Both our bodies and many plant foods naturally contain and produce bioactive melatonin. Bacterial fermentation can greatly increase the melatonin content in these plant foods, which is especially beneficial if you need help regulating stress, circadian rhythms, and sleep. Bacterial melatonin synthesis in vegetable fermentation is so successful that “probiotic synthesis of melatonin” has been patented by a pharmaceutical company. This patented process employs industrial-scale use of various Lactobacillus species found in fermented vegetables to biologically synthesize melatonin. This is essentially what’s being offered in melatonin pill form.

Lactobacillus is a type of beneficial bacteria naturally found in many environments, including your digestive system and plant surfaces. To make your own lactobacillus-rich fermented foods at home, you’ll need fresh vegetables, water, and salt. Start by dissolving salt in water to create a brine. Submerge your vegetables in the brine and place them in a clean jar. Over several days to weeks, the Lactobacillus bacteria naturally present on the vegetable surfaces will begin to ferment the vegetables, producing lactic acid and other beneficial compounds like melatonin. Ensure the vegetables remain submerged in the brine to prevent spoilage.

Instead of isolating one component from a holistically beneficial food and putting it into an expensive pill, it’s more advantageous to consume affordable, holistic, and nourishing foods that naturally contain beneficial compounds like melatonin. Fermented pickles and other fermented foods not only contribute to better sleep but also offer a range of additional health benefits, supporting gut health, enhancing nutrient absorption, and boosting overall well-being.

Embrace the power of fermented foods for better sleep and overall health. By incorporating these naturally melatonin-rich foods into your diet, you’re not just supporting your sleep cycles, but also enhancing your overall wellness through a more holistic approach. Experiment with various types of fermented vegetables and discover how they can become a valuable—and delicious—part of your nightly routine.

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